Hey! My name is Rudy and I’m an indie game programmer/developer from Latvia. I specialize in programming and software design, primarily frameworks, interactive systems and video games. This website is my blog/portfolio. I run my one-man indie game dev studio Snowy Ash Games and have half-published my first “official” game recently.


I have been programming since ten, now having about 20 years of coding experience. With a university degree, many self-taught courses and several years of professional freelancing combined, I have both theoretical and practical experience in over a dozen different programming languages — from high-level for stand-alone end-user applications to low-level embedded system controllers. I’ve worked with functional, imperative, object-oriented, and logic languages.

Currently my preferred combo is game development with C# for general purpose programming and Unity3D engine. I’ve been freelancing in game development for about 10 years, as well as working on some of my own games.


I have a majors-equivalent in Maths and IT. I have a First-level Honours BSc and Merit MSc in programming, software design, game development and AI.


You can contact me at RudyTheDev at gmail or RudyTheDev on Skype.