In this prolonged post I will implement effects that semi-automatically spawn based on the animation, so that I don’t have to specify fiddly values for every mob and such. Time traveler note: Half-way I realized I am doing things wrong
MicroRogue DevDiary #75 – Improvement interlude
There’s a lot of minor stuff I am doing all the time that doesn’t really fit anywhere or makes other posts bloated. So I’ll go over some important but small things that I am working on. A lot is to
MicroRogue DevDiary #74 – Player gear-based parts
Now that the player has gear — individual items in designated slots — I might as well have the player “model” correspond to these parts. Now, this is easier said than done. I need to adjust my part animator logic
MicroRogue DevDiary #68 – Quadruped boss animation
I’m working on mob animation from before. And I made my current boss mob have four legs, made of 2 parts each: It’s only two sprites, so there’s not much variety, but it’s really nicely reusable and, really, it’s just
MicroRogue DevDiary #66 – New mob sprites and animation adjustments
I decided to do all the art myself. This is probably a bad idea©. But I really just want to get this published. My couple month project is yet again spanning into half a year. There is no way I
MicroRogue DevDiary #60 – Animation improvements
I left off with a bunch of unfinished animation stuff, so I should do some of that that now. As with most stuff now, it’s many tiny features and fixes, all tedious and fairly boring. There is one thing I
MicroRogue DevDiary #58 – Animation effects
Oh man, I have been busy for the past week. Had to do so many tasks and had no time or energy left for the game. Ah, well. Back to my definitely reasonably not overscoped project with a realistic deadline.
MicroRogue DevDiary #57 – Mob part animation
I guess the main (and most time-consuming) animation for robots is their movement. I can imagine three distinct ways of moving: walking, driving, and flying. Walking is the most difficult one and means the robot has legs or some sort
MicroRogue DevDiary #56 – Mob part setup
I need to finish my art requirement list and for that I need to finish any features where I am still unclear about what art assets I need. For example, I have a pretty good idea of what tiles I
MicroRogue DevDiary #42 – Player teleports
I have decided that the player will teleport in and out of the level via teleport pads. Firstly, it’s fairly easy to do animation-wise and creates fewer sprite issues. And it also kind of fits the sci-fi-ish story I think
MicroRogue DevDiary #33 – Modular enemies
The next step of making enemies awesome is making them made of parts, i.e. modular. Let me try to expand my animation and sprite framework to support multiple sprites at the same time. For example, I will add mob head
MicroRogue DevDiary #30 – Feedback improvements
I’ve been saving up a list of various combat and related feedback improvements. That is, feature mostly nice-to-have and quality of life than actual hard features. Of course, most have some sort of framework underneath. When enemies die in the