Well, time to fix the billion issues I have with tile collisions and such. Firstly, I need to fix fog of war, which is now somewhat broken. The complication was having wall side and top have separate visibility. Now I’m
MicroRogue DevDiary #45 – More weapon improvements
So my minigun is now hosing down bullets everywhere: May be that’s too extreme. This one is a “shoot a lot, miss a lot” kind of gun where you spray a bunch of enemies with not too much finesse. It’s
MicroRogue DevDiary #44 – Weapon improvements
Time to add some more new weapons… or work towards it. My rocket launcher was supposed to be one of many and it took way too long to implement all the details. So how about a simple minigun: I will
MicroRogue DevDiary #40 – Rockets and effects
I keep talking about explosions, but I don’t have any. So that sounds like a good excuse to add a rocket launcher. First, I need the weapon item and projectile definitions: And with some new sprites, that works And
MicroRogue DevDiary #26 – Weapon features
I will do some gun, projectile and general gun play improvements. These aren’t technically needed for a prototype, but these are crucial for the actual experience of the game and to show what the game’s presentation is going for. A
MicroRogue DevDiary #15 – Weapon firing
It feels like my game will focus on shooting weapons, so here we go. Another core gameplay feature that I need to make feel good is shooting weapons. (It seems like every other part of the game is “core gameplay”