Blog post #100! Will it be special? No. (And I totally didn’t make this exact joke in last post.) So I previously have removed/suspended all my UI-heavy features — upgrades, unlockable and changeable loadout, goals. Of the four player information
MicroRogue DevDiary #84 – UI navigation system
I still have a big feature to do and that is UI navigation using all the input devices — keyboard, mouse and controller. I want these done in a way that I can easily modularize, yet keep concrete pipeline that
MicroRogue DevDiary #83 – Controls UI
With the addition of my new UI sprites, I tried to update the Rewired plugin’s UI that they provide. And I realized two things — it has way too many elements and I want to do certain things differently. In
MicroRogue DevDiary #82 – Modular UI elements
So Unity added nested prefabs in their newest (stable) release. All my games are usually very code-centric and I don’t build complex scenes, so I never really cared about nested prefab features as they apply to designers. But now I
MicroRogue DevDiary #81 – UI Sprites
Time has come to make sprites for UI. This involved me opening Photoshop and emerging 3 days later with a couple barely passable sprites. Anyway, here are all the sprites I will use (for now) in the primary UI elements:
MicroRogue DevDiary #80 – Goal UI
Continuing on the goal stuff, I need UI to let the player see their progress. First thing’s first — I need a “place” to show the goals. They can presumably have their own panel or page, but this page has
MicroRogue DevDiary #73 – Loadout UI
Now, all of this new gear and loadout stuff leads me to needing all-new UI. And this is a tough sell (read: feature creep). UI takes time, art takes time, it implies all sorts of input requirements and visual feedback
MicroRogue DevDiary #55 – Level flow improvements
While playtesting and planning on filling content, there’s a few missing things I still need. (Well, immediate things as opposed to a mile-long list of features I want to do.) So I’m doing a bunch of things that are best
MicroRogue DevDiary #49 – Options menu
There so much left to do and at the same time so few discrete “features” for blog posts. I am still trying to do it “one feature per post” to justify every feature, but it’s getting harder and harder. Most
MicroRogue DevDiary #48 – Player characters
I want the player to be able to play with multiple different characters or avatars, which have different properties and gameplay. This is a lot of gameplay variety for relatively not that much work. Basically, I have all the framework
MicroRogue DevDiary #41 – Saving and level progression
I need to implement a save/load system, which I don’t have yet. In short, there are three times a game is saved or loaded: save during gameplay, save during menus, load during menus (load during gameplay is not valid). It’s
MicroRogue DevDiary #39 – UI framework
I need to make the game’s primary pipeline, which includes proper timing for when the world is generated and dismantled — when the player is playing or in the menu. From plyer’s perspective, this comes down to having menus, world