Now that I made a bunch gear logic changes and hopefully settled on how gear provides gameplay values, I need to show feedback to the player. First of all, the player can now have no armor or shields, but my
MicroRogue DevDiary #98 – HUD fix-up
My HUD has slowly become a mess. This seems to a recurring theme with my features — they slowly degrade as time goes on. And, yes, it’s my fault for adding and changing things. It’s probably also my fault for
MicroRogue DevDiary #97 – Damage numbers
I thought about doing damage numbers for a while now — floating damage amount indicators showing the amount of damage enemies receive from various sources. In the end, I decided to do these now — to show player weapon upgrade
MicroRogue DevDiary #39 – UI framework
I need to make the game’s primary pipeline, which includes proper timing for when the world is generated and dismantled — when the player is playing or in the menu. From plyer’s perspective, this comes down to having menus, world
MicroRogue DevDiary #24 – HUD Reticle
Okay, I really need to get gunplay going. For that the player needs to be able to aim and shoot. I have the basics, but it still feels rigid and un-fun. So let’s start with a proper weapon aiming reticle
MicroRogue DevDiary #19 – HUD
I’ve been working on dungeons for a while now, so I think it’s time to get back to gameplay stuff and feedback. Namely, I want to start doing some HUD/UI work. The big picture is that I am going to