I mentioned that I want to have the player select gear to equip. There are some design directions I want to go with this that I will likely talk about later. The main idea is that the player gets a
MicroRogue DevDiary #70 – New upgrade system
My upgrade system is very lacking at the moment. I also have no controller-usable UI for upgrading. My upgrade terminal is currently broken. An upgrade can be summed up as (cost, stat boost, level): Barring pretty UI, this is pretty
MicroRogue DevDiary #47 – Upgrade improvements
Time to expand my upgrade system and add more upgrades. This is a replayable roguelike — you grind the dungeon, die, get some points, buy some upgrades, grind the dungeon a bit faster and a bit further. Rinse and repeat
MicroRogue DevDiary #35 – Scrap and upgrades
Enemies now break up into pieces and that’s very cool. But I’d also really want the player to collect something from this. May be not from every enemy and may be dependent on the enemy type, but something. There should